How old is Justine Ezarik?
Justine Ezarik was born on 20 March 1984.
Justine Ezarik is 40 years old.
How old is Justine Ezarik in days now?
Justine Ezarik is 40 years 11 months 15 days old.
Total 14,962 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Justine Ezarik?
Justine Ezarik's next birthday is in 13 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Justine Ezarik?
Zodiac sign of Justine Ezarik is Pisces.
Justine Ezarik is a famous YouTuber and vlogger, model, actress, and broadcaster, who is famous for her great looks and interest in gaming. She was born in 1984 in Pennsylvania and grew up in a large family alongside her two sisters. Justine started getting interested in social networking and online activities in high school, and she became a huge fan of computer games. She opened her first YouTube account in 2006 titled iJustine but later on, she got focused on live broadcasting on her personal channel She created one of the extremely popular videos known as a 300-page iPhone bill which has over a billion views. In the early 2010s, she tried herself as an actress and appeared in a number of popular TV series like Law and Order, The Bold and the Beautiful, Criminal Minds, and a few others. She worked as a consultant with Arnold Schwarzenegger and took part in a few TV shows and programs. She is also famous for her work in The Annoying Orange online series. Justine Ezarik is one of the most successful online broadcasters, with over 7 million followers on YouTube and over 2 million followers on Twitter (as of March 2024).
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