How old is Julien Brown?

Julien Brown was born on 16 March 2000.
Julien Brown is 25 years old.

How old is Julien Brown in days now?

Julien Brown is 25 years 9 days old.
Total 9,140 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Julien Brown?

Julien Brown's next birthday is in 11 months 19 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Julien Brown?

Zodiac sign of Julien Brown is Pisces.

Julien Brown, a cool TikToker from Germany has recently become one of the most popular social media stars from that country. Born in 2000 in Nuremberg, he spent his childhood there but now is living in Berlin. For many years he has been a fan of social media networking websites and has been running his TikTok channel for 3 years. His channel is a great place to find some comedy related stuff like skits, video jokes, some challenges, and his vlog. Among his early popular videos were the ones with some funny suggestions as to personal hygiene and grooming. Julien Brown is a good friend of Marek Fritz, one more TikToker from Nuremberg, and together they have created a series of really cool videos. As of the early 2025, there are about 2 subscribers on his TikTok channel, and it is also possible to find and follow him on Instagram and other platforms.

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