How old is Julian Barboza?

Julian Barboza was born on 30 May 2001.
Julian Barboza is 23 years old.

How old is Julian Barboza in days now?

Julian Barboza is 23 years 9 months 24 days old.
Total 8,701 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Julian Barboza?

Julian Barboza's next birthday is in 2 months 4 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Julian Barboza?

Zodiac sign of Julian Barboza is Gemini.

Julian Barboza is a creative and cool content creator famous for his activities on TikTok, Instagram and YouTube. He came to this world in 2001 in Texas and spent his childhood alongside his parents and sister Gemini. He had quite a typical childhood and, like every young Texan was very active and outgoing. As a young teenager Julian was noticed by some fashion scouts and tried to do some modelling. But social media related activities are the most interesting and attractive for him. He has been promoting his Instagram and TikTok channels since the mid 2010s, and he also has a YouTube channel which is a bit less popular. he enjoys sharing his positive thoughts and positive ideas with all his fans. As of the mid 2024, there are almost 1.8 million followers on his TikTok channel, and there are almost a half million fans follow him on Instagram too. Julian Barboza is a wonderful young man who has some really bright future as a social media star!

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