How old is Jules LeBlanc?

Jules LeBlanc was born on 5 December 2004.
Jules LeBlanc is 20 years old.

How old is Jules LeBlanc in days now?

Jules LeBlanc is 20 years 3 months 23 days old.
Total 7,418 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Jules LeBlanc?

Jules LeBlanc's next birthday is in 8 months 7 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Jules LeBlanc?

Zodiac sign of Jules LeBlanc is Sagittarius.

Julianna Grace LeBlanc, known as Jules LeBlanc, is a young singer and a YouTube star, who became famous as a part of Bratayley YouTube vlog. Born in 2004 in Georgia, she was one of three children in her family. She has a younger sister, Hayley Noelle LeBlanc, and her elder brother, Caleb Logan LeBlanc, passed away in 2015. In her early childhood, Jules was training as a gymnast, and she started her social media presence with her personal YouTube channel, Acroanna, where she used to post various videos and tutorials related to gymnastics and healthy lifestyle. In addition to her family projects, she used to be a part of other media campaigns, like Gymscool and Seven Awesome Kids. In 2017 she announced that she is leaving gymnastics and is going to focus on her media career. In collaboration with Hyden Summerall, Jules released her first cover song, "Little Do You Know", which gained 4 million views for the first 2 days. It was followed by her first original composition, "Ordinary Girl", posted on her YouTube channel. As of the late 2024, there are over 10 million followers in her Instagram account, and there are almost 4.3 million fans on her personal YouTube account. Jules LeBlanc is a good friend with Mia Dinoto, known as Mia the Gymnast.

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