How old is Juju Wonder?

Juju Wonder was born on 24 October 2003.
Juju Wonder is 21 years old.

How old is Juju Wonder in days now?

Juju Wonder is 21 years 4 months 11 days old.
Total 7,805 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Juju Wonder?

Juju Wonder's next birthday is in 7 months 17 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Juju Wonder?

Zodiac sign of Juju Wonder is Scorpio.

Juju Wonder is a popular YouTube star who is known as a part of a duo Juju & Nidal that he has been hosting together with his brother Nidal. Juju was born in 2003 in California and is 8 years older than Nidal. The brothers also have 2 other siblings, a sister Jiji and the eldest brother Neshan. Their mum is also a famous YouTube star, Mama Wonder, and together they have a famous family channel, The Wonder Family which was launched in 2022. However, Juju & Nidal is the most popular channel of the family. It is the place where the viewers can find a lot of entertaining stuff including action videos, various physical aesthetics related videos, physical skills demonstration, etc. From their videos we can understand that brothers sometimes do street performances in which they demonstrate various flips, jumps, stunts, and such. Their skills are really special, and they helped the brothers to attract plenty of public attention and about 2 millions of grateful and appreciating followers. Some of their videos have a few millions of views. There is also a personal Instagram account of Juju Wonder where plenty of cool photos are being shared every day.

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