How old is JoshDub?
JoshDub was born on 11 October 1990.
JoshDub is 34 years old.
How old is JoshDub in days now?
JoshDub is 34 years 5 months 17 days old.
Total 12,587 days old now.
When is the next birthday of JoshDub?
JoshDub's next birthday is in 6 months 13 days.
What is the zodiac sign of JoshDub?
Zodiac sign of JoshDub is Libra.
An Australian YouTube star with amazing blue eyes, JoshDub is a gamer who has managed to attract quite a large fanbase which includes over 10 million followers (as of the late 2024). He came to this world in 1990 in Australia and grew up in the city of Adelaide, alongside his parents and his sister Alana. After getting interested in computers and computer games as a teenager, Josh attended a few competitions and conferences about gaming, as well as started creating the pictures and images of his own virtual realities that he would later on share with his channel viewers. Josh is a fan of Minecraft. He launched his YouTube channel in the late 2010s and a few years later became a member of a famous group of gamers known as The Boys. JoshDub has one more passion which is racing cars, and it can be seen in the content of his. He loves sharing pictures of himself in front of the cars on his personal Instagram page.
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