How old is JoJo Siwa?

JoJo Siwa was born on 19 May 2003.
JoJo Siwa is 21 years old.

How old is JoJo Siwa in days now?

JoJo Siwa is 21 years 10 months 9 days old.
Total 7,984 days old now.

When is the next birthday of JoJo Siwa?

JoJo Siwa's next birthday is in 1 month 21 days.

What is the zodiac sign of JoJo Siwa?

Zodiac sign of JoJo Siwa is Taurus.

JoJo Siwa (her real name is Joelle Joanie Siwa) is a rising star and a popular dancer, singer, TikToker, and media personality. She was born in 2003 in Nebraska, to a family of a dancer, her mom, who owns a dance studio. JoJo has an elder brother who is also interested in dancing. JoJo has been developing her dancing and artistic talents since she was 5 years old, visiting her mom's classes and learning from her and her students. JoJo is excellent in hip-hop, but not only. She enjoys learning modern dance, jazz, and classic styles as well. She joined Abby's Ultimate Dance Competition as the youngest participant ever, and she's become one of the 5 finalists. She also took part in Dance Moms show, together with her mom, of course. Apart from advancing in dancing art, JoJo is a very active vlogger and TikToker. She started posting interesting videos and tutorials related to dancing in 2014, and today there are over 55 million subscribers for her account. Her Instagram account currently enjoys about 11 millions followers (as pf the mid 2024). Lately, she is collaborating with Nickelodeon as a young talent. She is also trying herself into singing by recording her songs. Her first singles, "I Can Make You Dance", "Kid In a Candy Store" and "Boomerang" were very successful and received plenty of positive comments. JoJo Siwa is currently living in California, and she is a big fan of dogs: she has three of them!!

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