How old is Jojo's ASMR?

Jojo's ASMR was born on 13 December 1998.
Jojo's ASMR is 26 years old.

How old is Jojo's ASMR in days now?

Jojo's ASMR is 26 years 3 months old.
Total 9,587 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Jojo's ASMR?

Jojo's ASMR's next birthday is in 9 months.

What is the zodiac sign of Jojo's ASMR?

Zodiac sign of Jojo's ASMR is Sagittarius.

A successful ASMR content maker from Australia, the young man behind Jojo's ASMR YouTube channel is a place where everyone can find plenty of videos to help people calm down and fell asleep easily. Born and raised in Aurstalia, Jonah grew up alongside his sister and as a teenager used to watch a lot of ASMR video content on YouTube and other platforms. Besides, he loved music very much and was extremely interesting in playing piano so he took lessons and was quite good at playing this musical instrument.  He started his presence online as a YouTuber in the mid 2010s but began to share some serious content only later in the decade. In addition to ASMR videos that help his viewers to fall asleep and relax, he sometimes shows off his card tricks which his fans find really cool. As of January 2025, there are over 4.5 million subscribers following his channel and cheering up for his daily updates and videos. Jojo's ASMR is a wonderful place to visit and find plenty of interesting stuff.

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