How old is Johnnie Guilbert?
Johnnie Guilbert was born on 28 August 1997.
Johnnie Guilbert is 27 years old.
How old is Johnnie Guilbert in days now?
Johnnie Guilbert is 27 years 6 months 11 days old.
Total 10,057 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Johnnie Guilbert?
Johnnie Guilbert's next birthday is in 5 months 17 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Johnnie Guilbert?
Zodiac sign of Johnnie Guilbert is Virgo.
Johnnie Guilbert is a young American YouTuber, heavy metal singer and musician who rose to fame in social networking sites. Born in 1997 in California, he was raised alongside his two siblings and parents. He spent his childhood listening to plenty of music and learning to play musical instruments. In the mid 2010s Johnie got seriously interested in social media and personalities like BryanStars or DeeFizzy. He opened his first YouTube channel to primarily use it as his personal vlog and the place to upload the amateur videos of his songs, along with some pranks and other funny stuff. This way he became really popular very soon and just in a few years the number of his subscribers approached one million people. Together with his friend Jake Bateman Guilbert formed a metal band named Till Death Do We Part which started recording the songs written by Johnnie. He has a great voice and a unique style. As a YouTuber, Johnny Guilbert often collaborates with his mates including Kyle David Hall, Matt Lush and others. He used to date a YouTube star Alex Dorame but the couple broke up.