How old is John Casterline?

John Casterline was born on 25 August 2003.
John Casterline is 21 years old.

How old is John Casterline in days now?

John Casterline is 21 years 7 months 4 days old.
Total 7,887 days old now.

When is the next birthday of John Casterline?

John Casterline's next birthday is in 4 months 27 days.

What is the zodiac sign of John Casterline?

Zodiac sign of John Casterline is Virgo.

A popular comedy content creator with a number of viral videos, John Casterline is a cool guy behind the TikTok channel titled h1t1 which currently (as of the mid 2024) has over 3.5 million subscribers and the number of likes is approaching to 340 ones. Born in 2003 in Florida, he spent his early years in the Sunny State, alongside his family and friends. John started getting interested in social media networking sites when he was 12 years old, and in the late 2010s he launched his first channel on YouTube which is also active now and has over 6 millions of fans. His main focus is comedy and entertainment, with plenty of funny challenges, jokes, skits, and such. It is also possible to see a large amount of funny pictures and cartoons on his Instagram account. John Casterline is known and loved by his fans for his extreme effort on communicating and replying to the messages of his followers.

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