How old is Joe Waud?

Joe Waud was born on 14 March 2003.
Joe Waud is 22 years old.

How old is Joe Waud in days now?

Joe Waud is 22 years 17 days old.
Total 8,053 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Joe Waud?

Joe Waud's next birthday is in 11 months 11 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Joe Waud?

Zodiac sign of Joe Waud is Pisces.

A young but very popular TikToker and Instagram celebrity, Joe Waud is sharing his fame with his brother Jason Waud, who is his identical twin. They were born in 2003 and grow up in the Pacific part of the country. They love sports and outdoor activities, and both have been playing basketball and soccer. Social networking has been another passion of Jason and Joe Waud. Since the mid-2010s, they have been active online and promoting their joint TikTok and Instagram accounts. For the moment (March 2025), there are over 2.7 million people following their channel, and they all enjoy fascinating and funny videos and stuff that the brothers have been posting there.

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