How old is Joe Mele?

Joe Mele was born on 15 December 1998.
Joe Mele is 26 years old.

How old is Joe Mele in days now?

Joe Mele is 26 years 3 months 11 days old.
Total 9,598 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Joe Mele?

Joe Mele's next birthday is in 8 months 19 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Joe Mele?

Zodiac sign of Joe Mele is Sagittarius.

An attractive TikTok star with wonderful blue eyes and extreme personal charisma, Joe Mele has been running since personal channel since 2019 and as of the early 2025 has managed to form a fanbase close to 30 million people. Born in 1998 in the USA, he was raised alongside his brother and grew up in a typical environment of the early millennium. Computers and sports were his main hobbies and points of interest as a teenager. All of his life Joe has been quite close with his dad, Fank Mele, and since the day Joe opened his channel, Frank very often takes part in making content and involves in various challenges, cross dressing performances, presentations, and skits offered by Joe. Their viewers have noticed that Frank has similarities in his appearance with Ratatouille, an animated movie character, so they love seeing him alongside Joe most of the time. Joe Mele is dating a lovely TikTok star Angela Chalet.

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