How old is Jiggy Turner?

Jiggy Turner was born on 1 November 2005.
Jiggy Turner is 19 years old.

How old is Jiggy Turner in days now?

Jiggy Turner is 19 years 4 months 27 days old.
Total 7,087 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Jiggy Turner?

Jiggy Turner's next birthday is in 7 months 4 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Jiggy Turner?

Zodiac sign of Jiggy Turner is Scorpio.

Jiggy Turner is a cute TikToker with lovely curly hair, famous for his memes and comedy related stuff that he has been sharing on his channel. Born in 2005 in West Virginia, he grew up in a typical environment of the early 21st century, spending plenty of time outdoors and in front of his computer. Like most of his peers, Jiggy opened his first social media accounts in the late 2010s, including the ones on Instagram and TikTok. His videos are funny and unique, with an increasing number of likes and subscribers of his channel. As of the mid 2024, Jiggy Turner is among the fastest growing TikTokers, and currently the number of his followers exceeds a half million people.

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