How old is Jessie Murph?

Jessie Murph was born on 22 September 2004.
Jessie Murph is 20 years old.

How old is Jessie Murph in days now?

Jessie Murph is 20 years 6 months 8 days old.
Total 7,494 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Jessie Murph?

Jessie Murph's next birthday is in 5 months 23 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Jessie Murph?

Zodiac sign of Jessie Murph is Virgo.

Jossie Murph is a talented young lady who is a TikTok star and a singer famous for her songs, song covers, lip syncing, etc. Born in 2004 in the US and have loved music for all of her life. She loved singing as a teenager and was a cheerleader at school. In the late 2010s Jossie decided to share her songs and musical experiments with everybody and opened her TikTok channel. One of the most popular early videos of hers is the one where her friend and he are trying to google and find out how to become famous. In the early 2020s Murph started sharing a large number of her songs, and many of them turned out to be really great and attract many followers to her channel. In addition to her personal music and music related comments, Jossie Murph is also really good at creating interesting ideas for lip syncing. Some of her examples are absolutely hilarious.

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