How old is Jessie J?

Jessie J was born on 27 March 1988.
Jessie J is 37 years old.

How old is Jessie J in days now?

Jessie J is 37 years 4 days old.
Total 13,518 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Jessie J?

Jessie J's next birthday is in 11 months 24 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Jessie J?

Zodiac sign of Jessie J is Aries.

Jessica Ellen Cornish aka Jessie J is a famous British musician and singer. She was born on the outskirts of London and grew up alongside her two elder sisters. She started appearing on stage singing at the age of 11 when she appeared in Lloyd's musical "Whistle Down the Wind". During her teenage years, Jessica won a national talent show and was a part of an all-girl band. In 2008 he signed up with her first record label and shortly after she released her first single which raised to the UK charts. Her first studio album came out in 2011 followed by the second one released in 2013 and containing hits like "It's My Party", "Wild", and others. One more album was released a year later and she produced two more in 2018. Jessie J has a distinctive musical style which is a mixture of pop, electro-pop, R&B, and soul music. She is among the best selling singers of the UK, as well as the winner of numerous awards and prizes. Jessie J often takes part in various events related to charity, especially as to children's rights and needs. As of the early 2025, there are about 16 million subscribers to her Instagram channel.

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