How old is Jerry Seinfeld?
Jerry Seinfeld was born on 29 April 1954.
Jerry Seinfeld is 70 years old.
How old is Jerry Seinfeld in days now?
Jerry Seinfeld is 70 years 11 months 1 day old.
Total 25,903 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Jerry Seinfeld?
Jerry Seinfeld's next birthday is in 30 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Jerry Seinfeld?
Zodiac sign of Jerry Seinfeld is Taurus.
Jerry Seinfeld is a popular American actor, comedian, author, and stand-up showman known primarily for his role in the iconic comedy TV series, Seinfeld. Born Jerome Allan Seinfeld, in 1954, in NYC, he grew up in a family of Jewish and Arabic origins. At university, Seinfeld studied drama and communication. While studying at college, he used to take the spot at the open microphone and make his jokes for other students to hear. After graduation, he started pursuing a career as a stand-up stage comedian. In the early 1980s, he became a regular participant of various comedy TV shows, and in 1988 he debuted in the TV series Seinfeld. The sitcom became one of the most popular of the 1990s and ran for 9 seasons. In the first decade of the current century took part in a few movies like Bee Movie (he was also a producer), The Thing About My Folks, Comedian, etc. On TV, he appeared in projects like Curb Your Enthusiasm, The Marriage Ref, Louie, and since 2010 Jerry Seinfeld has been working on creating and producing his TV show program, Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee. He is married to an American writer, Jessica Sklar, and the couple has 3 children.