How old is Jerry Garcia?
Jerry Garcia was born on 1 August 1942. Jerry Garcia died on 9 August 1995 at the age of 53 years.
What was the exact age of Jerry Garcia?
Jerry Garcia's exact age was 53 years 8 days old. Jerry Garcia lived for total 19,366 days.
What would be the age of Jerry Garcia if alive?
Jerry Garcia's exact age would be 82 years 7 months 27 days old if alive. Total 30,190 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Jerry Garcia?
Zodiac sign of Jerry Garcia is Leo.
Jerry Garcia was a famous singer, musician and songwriter, known as the leader of the famous band The Grateful Dead. He was born in 1942 in California, and his parents are of Irish, Spanish and Swedish origins. As his father was a professional musician, Jerry loved and studied music since his early childhood. He took piano lessons and also learned to play the guitar. In 1961 Garcia met Robert Hunter, his future band mate, and they started their collaboration. The band The Grateful Dead was finally formed in 1965 and became the most successful project of Garcia till the time of his death. He took part in recording all the studio albums and many tours of the band around the world. While being a member of The Grateful Dead, Garcia collaborated with many famous musicians and was primarily valued for his unique guitar playing style. Despite losing a part of his right hand middle finger in his childhood, Garcia could master the instrument perfectly and was especially good at improvisations. He worked side by side with musician who played jazz, pop-rock, soft metal, and other kinds of styles. During the 1970s and 1980s his name regularly appeared among the best guitarists of the world. However, in the late 1980s Garcia started having serious problems with health caused possibly by diabetes and prolonged bad habits. In 1995 he passed away at the age of 53. Jerry Garcia was married a few times and had 4 children.