How old is Jennifer Lopez?

Jennifer Lopez was born on 24 July 1969.
Jennifer Lopez is 55 years old.

How old is Jennifer Lopez in days now?

Jennifer Lopez is 55 years 8 months 5 days old.
Total 20,337 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Jennifer Lopez?

Jennifer Lopez's next birthday is in 3 months 25 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Jennifer Lopez?

Zodiac sign of Jennifer Lopez is Leo.

Jennifer Lopez is a singer and an actress, a dancer and a media personality, who became really famous in Hollywood in the early 2000s. A very beautiful woman, a fashion designer, a business lady, and a philanthropist, Jennifer Lynn Lopez was born and grew up in a Catholic family residing in the Bronx. Her parents were of Puerto-Rican origin and they had three daughters, all of whom received their education in the best schools and colleges in New York. As a child, Jennifer was interested rather in sports like gymnastics, but when she was 14 years old she started taking a singing course and taking part in school theater performances. When she was 18, she decided to leave the college and dedicate her time to dancing, which caused total objection from the side of her parents. Jennifer left home and had to live in the dance studio, working very hard days and nights. As a result, she was regularly appearing on Broadway stage, touring with New Kids On The Block, and attending castings for some new TV series. Thus, her acting career began in the late 1990s, when she starred in the movies like Selena, Anaconda, Out of Sight, and others.

She was successfully combining her work in Hollywood with recording her singles, "Waiting for Tonight", "I'm Real", "Love Don't Cost a Thing". Her two first albums, On the 6 and J Lo both of which became multiple platinum. However, later in the decade, her popularity started decreasing, primarily due to her attempts to develop her acting career which was not a very good choice. In 2011, Lopez reminded herself by appearing as a judge in American Idol, which was followed by her participation in various dance-related TV programs. Due to his natural beauty, Lopez had a large number of relationships and was married 3 times. Her first marriage to Ojani Noa was very short, and her second marriage to a dancer Cris Judd resulted in Lopez paying a good compensation to him. Her wedding with Ben Affleck was called off just a few hours before the ceremony. In 2004 Jennifer Lopez got married to Marc Anthony who is the father of her two daughters, but they divorced 10 years later. In 2019 she got engaged to Alex Rodriguez but the couple split up and Jennifer started dating Ben Affleck. They got married in summer 2022.

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