How old is Jennifer Hudson?

Jennifer Hudson was born on 12 September 1981.
Jennifer Hudson is 43 years old.

How old is Jennifer Hudson in days now?

Jennifer Hudson is 43 years 6 months 7 days old.
Total 15,894 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Jennifer Hudson?

Jennifer Hudson's next birthday is in 5 months 24 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Jennifer Hudson?

Zodiac sign of Jennifer Hudson is Virgo.

Jennifer Hudson is a pop singer and musician known as one of The Queens of Pop. Born in 1981 in Chicago and grew up in a typical neighborhood of the large city. Music has been her only passion since her early years and Jen used to spend hours listening of Aretha Franklin, Mariah Carey or Whitney Houston. Hudson started singing in her secondary school times and in the mid 2000s she showed up in the auditions of a popular TV show American Idol where she managed to impress the judges and became one of the finalists. Shortly after appearing in the show, Hudson signed up with a recording company and began releasing her first singles. Her first studio album came out in 2008 and so far (as of August 2024) she has released three solo albums. Hudson also loves taking part in movies and played in such movies as Sex And the City, Winnie Mandella, The Three Stooges, Sandy Wexler, and a few others. In 2017-2019 Jennifer Hudson could be seen in an iconic TV show The Voice as one of the coaches. She is a social life activist protecting the rights of people and supporting anti-criminal legislation. 

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