How old is Jennifer Connelly?

Jennifer Connelly was born on 12 December 1970.
Jennifer Connelly is 54 years old.

How old is Jennifer Connelly in days now?

Jennifer Connelly is 54 years 3 months 16 days old.
Total 19,830 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Jennifer Connelly?

Jennifer Connelly's next birthday is in 8 months 14 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Jennifer Connelly?

Zodiac sign of Jennifer Connelly is Sagittarius.

Jennifer Connely is an American actress and a celebrity who started her career in her early childhood as a model. She was born in 1970 and spent her childhood on the outskirts of New York, in Brooklyn Heights, where her father worked at a small clothing producing facility and her mom was a small antique shop owner. She started working with various advertising agencies when she was only 10 years old, and she took part in many ads and videos, including a famous one for Union of The Snake of Duran Duran band. Her first serious work in cinema was Once Upon a Time in America, where the young actress starred with Robert De Niro. Her other famous movies of those times include Labyrinth, Career Opportunities, The Hot Spot, Mulholland Rock, and Dark City. Her roles in the movies Requiem for a Dream and A Beautiful Mind (both movies were released in 2001) brought Jennifer real fame. For her role in A Beautiful Mind, Jennifer received an Academy Award. Besides, while filming this movie, she met her future husband, Paul Bettany. She has 3 children.

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