How old is JellyRoll?

JellyRoll was born on 4 December 1984.
JellyRoll is 40 years old.

How old is JellyRoll in days now?

JellyRoll is 40 years 3 months 26 days old.
Total 14,726 days old now.

When is the next birthday of JellyRoll?

JellyRoll's next birthday is in 8 months 4 days.

What is the zodiac sign of JellyRoll?

Zodiac sign of JellyRoll is Sagittarius.

JellyRoll is a former hip hop and today's cool country singer who is known as a really prolific singer who has worked in a number of quite varied musical styles. Born Jason Bradley DeFort in 19984 in Tennessee and grew up in Nashville, alongside his family. His childhood was quite difficult and connected with minor problems with police and law. He started trying himself as a hip hop singer by adopting his childhood nickname and recording a few mixtapes and selling them to his fans. In 2010, he recorded a really great collaboration with Lil Wyte and the song received an extremely warm reception on YouTube. The decade became the time for collaborations and plenty of interesting hits like "Love Won", "Fall In the Fall", "Glitter", etc In the early 2020s JellyRoll suddenly changed his mind and started recording country style songs, with the best ones like "Son of a Sinner", "Need a Favor", etc.

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