How old is jeenie.weenie?
jeenie.weenie was born on 11 May 1983.
jeenie.weenie is 41 years old.
How old is jeenie.weenie in days now?
jeenie.weenie is 41 years 10 months 18 days old.
Total 15,298 days old now.
When is the next birthday of jeenie.weenie?
jeenie.weenie's next birthday is in 1 month 12 days.
What is the zodiac sign of jeenie.weenie?
Zodiac sign of jeenie.weenie is Taurus.
Jeenie.weenie is a Canadian TikTok star with a great experience of working as a flight attendant known for her great content related to her job. She was born Sandra Leenie Kwon in 1983 in Canada and grew up in Toronto. As a young child she was very close with her mom and used to love spending time with her school friends as well. Her main childhood interests included fashion and looking for the best look, so very often she comments on some fashion related topics in her video content. She began her work as a flight attendant in the mid 2010s, and closer to the later years of the decade she opened her TikTok channel to share the most interesting moments and situations related to her job. Jeenie is extremely charming and cute, she is an expert in promoting the work of modern airlines and has got a contract with Emirates Airlines which is considered to be among the world's best airlines. In addition to her professional work she is trying to promote her channel and post the most interesting videos for her viewers. One of the most and most viewed videos of hers is the one made together with Charli D'Amelio in 2020. As of the mid 2024, there are over 10 million subscribers to her channel. Jeenie.weenie is married and has recently become a mom to a lovely baby girl.
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