How old is Jean Reno?
Jean Reno was born on 30 July 1948.
Jean Reno is 76 years old.
How old is Jean Reno in days now?
Jean Reno is 76 years 8 months 1 day old.
Total 28,003 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Jean Reno?
Jean Reno's next birthday is in 3 months 29 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Jean Reno?
Zodiac sign of Jean Reno is Leo.
Jean Reno is a famous Hollywood actor of Spanish origin who grew up and now lives in France. His real name is Juan Moreno Herrera-Jiménez, and he was born in Morocco, to a Spanish couple. When he was 17 years old he moved to France to start building his adult life in Europe. He changed his name to Jean Reno and began studying acting in a small school of drama. The upturn in his career was the day when he met Luc Besson, a talented movie director, who is still Reno's best friend. The first serious role of Jean Reno was in the movie Subway where he starred along with Christopher Lambert and Isabelle Adjani. With further movies, Nikita and Leon: The Professional, Reno established his image as a lone killer. Other most successful movies of his include Mission Impossible (with Tom Cruise), Godzilla, Ronin (with Robert De Niro), Crimson Rivers, The Pink Panther, Da Vinci Code (with Tom Hanks), and a number of movies in French. Jean Reno was married 3 times and has 6 children, 2 with each of his wives.