How old is Jazzy Skye?
Jazzy Skye was born on 3 March 2009.
Jazzy Skye is 16 years old.
How old is Jazzy Skye in days now?
Jazzy Skye is 16 years 28 days old.
Total 5,872 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Jazzy Skye?
Jazzy Skye's next birthday is in 11 months.
What is the zodiac sign of Jazzy Skye?
Zodiac sign of Jazzy Skye is Pisces.
A lovely YouTuber, Jazzy Skye is a very popular child social media star who is a member of Kid's Fun TV group and is a creator of a typical content for a young teenager made specially for young teenagers. She was born Jasmine Skye in 2009 in the US and was brought up alongside her twin brother Jack Skye, as well as their other three siblings. She launched her personal YouTube channel before she turned 10, initially with the help of her elder siblings, and later on she joined the most successful social media community as a successful child vloger. Most of her videos are revolving around the most popular topics like toys, singing, dancing, crafts, school, and others. As of the early 2025, there are over 2.1 million followers of the channel, and some of the videos have millions of views. Jazzy Skye is a good friend of other child stars, Paxton Myler and Payton Myler.
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