How old is Jazmine Hood?

Jazmine Hood was born on 7 October 1996.
Jazmine Hood is 28 years old.

How old is Jazmine Hood in days now?

Jazmine Hood is 28 years 5 months 21 days old.
Total 10,399 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Jazmine Hood?

Jazmine Hood's next birthday is in 6 months 9 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Jazmine Hood?

Zodiac sign of Jazmine Hood is Libra.

Jazmine Hood is a young YouTube star and media celebrity, a prankster and a comedy video creator, with very popular and funny channel named Perfectlaughs. Born in October 1996 in Arizona, Jazmine has been developing her unique and strong sense of humor since her early childhood. She practiced her early pranks on her brother and cousin, and later on, she started posting her first videos on Vine. Jazmine Hood managed to obtain over 1 million followers there, and she gladly participated in joint projects with other prankers like Jabbar Hakeem, Tae Caldwell (who she has been recently dating) and others. As of the late 2024, Jazmine Hood can be found on YouTube where she has about 3.2 million followers, and her personal Instagram channel enjoys the attention and support of over 2.2 million subscribers from all over the world.

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