How old is Jayden Croes?

Jayden Croes was born on 11 November 1998.
Jayden Croes is 26 years old.

How old is Jayden Croes in days now?

Jayden Croes is 26 years 4 months 20 days old.
Total 9,637 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Jayden Croes?

Jayden Croes's next birthday is in 7 months 11 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Jayden Croes?

Zodiac sign of Jayden Croes is Scorpio.

Jayden Croes is a famous TikTok and Internet personality known for his funny pictures and videos. Jayden was born in 1998 in Aruba and grew up in its capital city, nearby his younger sister and elder brother Gilmer. Just like all children of our times, Jayden has been interested in online activities and social networking since his early childhood. He opened his TikTok account where he began posting various interesting and comic videos and has been gaining followers quite fast ever since, with the number of subscribers currently approaching 24 million people, as of the late 2024. Together with his elder brother, Jayden also takes part in promoting the account CroesBros on TikTok, which has about 350,000 subscribers. There is plenty of fun stuff in that account. Jayden Croes is also a great fan of music, and one of his most successful hits is using Zara Larsson's song "Lush Life" for his videos.

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