How old is Jay Park?

Jay Park was born on 25 April 1987.
Jay Park is 37 years old.

How old is Jay Park in days now?

Jay Park is 37 years 10 months 7 days old.
Total 13,828 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Jay Park?

Jay Park's next birthday is in 1 month 21 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Jay Park?

Zodiac sign of Jay Park is Taurus.

Jay Park is an American hip hoper, singer, musician, songwriter, producer, and social media personality of Korean originÑ–, who rose to fame as a member of the Art of Movement (AOM). He was born Park Jae-Beom in Seattle and has been displaying his avid interest in music, rap, dancing, and singing since he was a child. During his high school times, he spent a lot of time training in dancing and singing, and in the early 2000s, he became one of the dancers and singers of AOM. In the middle of the decade, his parents sent him to study and live in Korea where Park signed up with a local entertainment label and received pretty good training in dancing and hip hop. For 1 year in the 2000s, he was a member of a super-popular boy band, 2PM which made him popular in the country. At the end of the decade, Park came back to the US to start his solo career and record many songs that are now popular and known. The 2010s were the best times of Jay Park so far, he released 5 studio albums, took part in plenty of performances and concerts, appeared on TV and in movies, established his own recording company and produced some musicians. He has got the fame of one of the most important and influential singers in the Korean music world.

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