How old is Jay Cinco?
Jay Cinco was born on 14 December 2002.
Jay Cinco is 22 years old.
How old is Jay Cinco in days now?
Jay Cinco is 22 years 3 months 16 days old.
Total 8,142 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Jay Cinco?
Jay Cinco's next birthday is in 8 months 14 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Jay Cinco?
Zodiac sign of Jay Cinco is Sagittarius.
A charismatic and cool hip hop star, Jay Cinco is known for a few of his singles like "Neva Fold", "Ghetto Angels", "Lose You", "Letter From Your Son", etc. Born in 2002 in California, he spent his early childhood in Watts and then moved to Compton where Jay went to school and made his first steps in free styling. As a young teenager he also loved basketball and played it a lot, but later on gave it up in order to start his career as a hip hop singer. He was among those young musicians who decided to promote his music exceptionally on various social media platforms, so in the late 2010s he launched his YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter accounts. Jay is an extremely fruitful free styler and in the early 2020s he released a large number of singles including "I Miss You", "FNF Freestyle", "Crash Out", "Emotions", etc. In addition to his hits, he often invites his fans for some gaming sessions with him. Jay Cinco used to date Brooklyn Frost, a lovely social media star, but they broke up in the early 2022. As of the late 2024, he has about a third of a million fans on his Instagram account.