How old is Javon Walton?

Javon Walton was born on 22 July 2006.
Javon Walton is 18 years old.

How old is Javon Walton in days now?

Javon Walton is 18 years 7 months 20 days old.
Total 6,810 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Javon Walton?

Javon Walton's next birthday is in 4 months 8 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Javon Walton?

Zodiac sign of Javon Walton is Cancer.

Javlon Walton is a young and charismatic actor who despite his young age has already appeared in a few popular TV series like Utopia and Euphoria. He was born in 2006 in Atlanta and was raised alongside his twin brother Jaden Walton and their two other siblings. As a child, Javlon got extremely interested in boxing and would spent hours training or watching boxing related videos. In addition, he was discovered by talent scouts and appeared in the mentioned TV series which made him known. He started collaborating with some sponsors including such famous brands as Under Armour that helps him develop in the world of boxing. As of the early 2024, Javlon Walton dreams about taking part in the Olympic Games of 2024 as a part of the American national boxing team.

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