How old is Jason Momoa?

Jason Momoa was born on 1 August 1979.
Jason Momoa is 45 years old.

How old is Jason Momoa in days now?

Jason Momoa is 45 years 7 months 27 days old.
Total 16,676 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Jason Momoa?

Jason Momoa's next birthday is in 4 months 4 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Jason Momoa?

Zodiac sign of Jason Momoa is Leo.

Jason Momoa is a former model and actor known for his roles in TV series like Game of Thrones or Stargate Atlantis. He was born in 1979 in Hawaii but raised by his single mother in Iowa. When Jason was 19 years old he was approached by fashion scouts and offered to sign up with a local modeling agency. Due to his cute looks, Jason was noticed really fast and offered a role in Baywatch Hawaii TV series. In the mid 2000s he was invited to join the cast for TV series Stargate Atlantis for which he took plenty martial arts courses. Other known roles of Momoa include the ones in TV series North Shore, Game of Thrones, The Red Road, Frontier, See, and others. In cinema, Jason Momoa is famous for taking part in filming the movies like Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice, Conan The Barbarian, Bullet To The Head (with Sylvester Stallone), Sugar Mountain, Wolves, Once Upon a Times In Venice (with Bruce Willis), Justice League, and others. In 2008, he survived an attack during which a madman cut his face with a broken bottle, after which about 140 stitches were placed on Momoa's face, leaving terrible scars later on. He is married to an actress Lisa Bonet, who is 12 years older than him, and the couple has 2 children.

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