How old is Jason Aldean?

Jason Aldean was born on 28 February 1977.
Jason Aldean is 48 years old.

How old is Jason Aldean in days now?

Jason Aldean is 48 years 1 month 2 days old.
Total 17,562 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Jason Aldean?

Jason Aldean's next birthday is in 10 months 29 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Jason Aldean?

Zodiac sign of Jason Aldean is Pisces.

A charismatic country singer, Jason Aldean rose to fame with some of his hits like "Dirt Road Anthem" or "Green Tractor". He was born in 1977 in Georgia and grew up in the city of Macon raised by his mother. He started getting interested in music as a child and, encouraged immensely by both of his parents, he started performing on stage at the age of 14. In the early 2000s he started singing professionally, and in the middle of the decade he signed up with a recording label which helped him to released a dozen of his solo albums and a large number of successful and great singles. Most of his albums became platinum or double platinum, and over 2 dozens of his singles reached No 1 in Billboard Country Music charts. One of his most recent hits is titled "Thy That In a Small Town", and it was released in 2023. Jason Aldean is married for the second time and has 5 children.

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