How old is Jamie Lee Curtis?
Jamie Lee Curtis was born on 22 November 1958.
Jamie Lee Curtis is 66 years old.
How old is Jamie Lee Curtis in days now?
Jamie Lee Curtis is 66 years 4 months 7 days old.
Total 24,234 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Jamie Lee Curtis?
Jamie Lee Curtis's next birthday is in 7 months 24 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Jamie Lee Curtis?
Zodiac sign of Jamie Lee Curtis is Sagittarius.
Jamie Lee Curtis, or Jamie Lee Haden-Guest, is a famous American actress who is known for her amazing performances in a variety of horror movies. A daughter of Tony Curtis, Jamie was born in 1958 in California and was raised there, alongside her elder sister. Her mother was also an actress, thus there were no questions about the career of both of the daughters. Jamie's cinema debut took place in 1978 with the movie Halloween, which brought her the nickname "scream queen". The movie was extremely successful and opened the way for Curtis to the professional career. Thus, in the 1980s she was repeatedly invited to join various horror movie casts (like Terror Train, Prom Night, The Fog, and others). Curtis also has a number of very good performances in comedy movies like A Fish Called Wanda, Trading Places (with Eddie Murphy), and others. During the 1990s and 2000s, Jamie delivered very good performances in the movies like Blue Steel, My Girl series (with David Ayrkoyd), Forever Young (with Mel Gibson), True Lies (with Arnold Schwarzenegger), Fierce Creatures, Drowning Mona (with Danny DeVito), The Tailor of Panama (with Pierce Brosnan), Christmas with the Kranks, You Again, etc. Jamie Lee Curtis has won two Golden Globe awards. She is an avid philanthropist and a humanitarian concerned about various social issues. She is married to Christopher Guest, a screenwriter, and producer. Jamie Lee Curtis is also known as an author of about a dozen of some cool books for children.