How old is Jade Thirlwall?

Jade Thirlwall was born on 26 December 1992.
Jade Thirlwall is 32 years old.

How old is Jade Thirlwall in days now?

Jade Thirlwall is 32 years 3 months 4 days old.
Total 11,782 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Jade Thirlwall?

Jade Thirlwall's next birthday is in 8 months 26 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Jade Thirlwall?

Zodiac sign of Jade Thirlwall is Capricorn.

Jade Thirlwall is a British singer and musician known as a member of Little Mix all-girls group. Born and raised in Tyne and Wear, Jade has been loving music since her early ages. She has African and British origins. Her childhood was not easy and she was occasionally a victim of bullies, which she mentioned in the autobiographical book written about all members of the band. When Jade was 16, she tried to join the team of X Factor competitors but did not manage to qualify. Finally, in 2011 she was offered to become one of Little Mix singers managed by Simon Cowell and gladly agreed to that. With the band, Jade has recorded 5 studio albums and took part in all tours and performances, alongside Perrie Edwards, Jesy Nelson, and Leigh-Anne Pinnock. Jade Thirlwall is an activist and a supporter of LGBT community rights. She is also a popular Instagram star, with the number of followers close to 10.5 million people (as of the late 2024).

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