How old is Jack Gilinsky?

Jack Gilinsky was born on 10 September 1996.
Jack Gilinsky is 28 years old.

How old is Jack Gilinsky in days now?

Jack Gilinsky is 28 years 6 months 1 day old.
Total 10,409 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Jack Gilinsky?

Jack Gilinsky's next birthday is in 5 months 30 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Jack Gilinsky?

Zodiac sign of Jack Gilinsky is Virgo.

Jack Finnegan Gilinsky is a young American singer and media personality, who was born in Omaha in 1996 and started becoming known as a Viner and YouTuber. Together with his school friend Jack Johnson, Gilinsky opened media accounts with the name Jack&Jack and began promoting their short comedy sketches. Their videos The Nerd Vandals and others attracted public attention, making the boys quite famous. As a part of Magcon Group of popular Viners, they toured around the country and gained some experience as singers as well. In 2014, Jack&Jack recorded a number of singles, with one of those, "Wild Life", finding its place on Billboard Top 100 list. In the same year, they released Jack&Jack The Movie: and gained MTV Woodie Awards. The duo has plenty of music videos as well. In the late 2022, his girlfriend Geneva Natalia and him became parents to their first baby.

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