How old is itzonlygabez?

itzonlygabez was born on 21 October 2005.
itzonlygabez is 19 years old.

How old is itzonlygabez in days now?

itzonlygabez is 19 years 5 months 7 days old.
Total 7,098 days old now.

When is the next birthday of itzonlygabez?

itzonlygabez's next birthday is in 6 months 23 days.

What is the zodiac sign of itzonlygabez?

Zodiac sign of itzonlygabez is Libra.

Itzonlygabez is a TikTok star and talented short content creator who has managed to achieve some great success on the platform despite his quite a young age. He took his first breath in 2005 and was raised by his parents in California, in a typical environment, and had a range of quite common interests for his generation including dancing, music, computer games, fun, and enjoying the life. He started his vivid activities as a social media channel host in 2020 and actually didn't even dream about attracting that many followers as his content and ideas were centered around very common topics, namely comedy related stuff like lip syncing and skits. However, for just a couple of years he managed to build quite an impressive fanbase, so eventually he made up his mind to focus on improving his content making skills and follow the latest social media networking site trends and preferences of his viewers. As a result, currently his channel enjoys the popularity among its 60,000 followers. A great deal of public attention was paid to him due to his good friendship with a superstar and influencer Prymrr who Itzonlygabez also used to date.

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