How old is Irina Shayk?

Irina Shayk was born on 6 January 1986.
Irina Shayk is 39 years old.

How old is Irina Shayk in days now?

Irina Shayk is 39 years 2 months 4 days old.
Total 14,308 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Irina Shayk?

Irina Shayk's next birthday is in 9 months 27 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Irina Shayk?

Zodiac sign of Irina Shayk is Capricorn.

Irina Shayk, born Irina Valeriyevna Shayklisarova, is a famous model, actress, media personality, and social activist of Russian origin who currently lives and works in the US. Born in a small Siberian town in 1986, Irina grew up in quite difficult conditions. Her father, a miner, died when she was only 14, so her mom, who was a music teacher, had to carry on with 2 jobs, in order to make the ends meet for her family. Just like her mom, Irina demonstrated genuine love for music and arts, so she started taking lessons of singing and playing piano in primary school. After finishing high school, she entered a local university to study marketing, but very soon got bored and joined a small local beauty school. That is where Russian model agents spotted her and helped her to win the regional beauty contest. It was just the beginning of her bright modeling career. Shortly after, Irina managed to join the leading model agencies of Paris and became an official face of Intimissimi, as well as appeared on the covers of the hottest fashion magazines, including Ellie, Guess, Beach Bunny, GQ, Ocean Drive, and others. Since 2009 she has been working with IMG Models agency, and she closely collaborates with American and Spanish fashion companies. She is very well familiar with the world of sports as for a few years she used to date Ronaldo, one of the world’s soccer stars of our times. Right now she is dating Bradley Cooper, a famous Hollywood actor and the couple have a baby. Irina Shayk makes a lot of efforts to promote a healthy lifestyle and collect money for various charity purposes. In particular, she helps marital and orphan houses of her home country.

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