How old is InquisitorMaster?
InquisitorMaster was born on 1 May 1994.
InquisitorMaster is 30 years old.
How old is InquisitorMaster in days now?
InquisitorMaster is 30 years 10 months 6 days old.
Total 11,268 days old now.
When is the next birthday of InquisitorMaster?
InquisitorMaster's next birthday is in 1 month 24 days.
What is the zodiac sign of InquisitorMaster?
Zodiac sign of InquisitorMaster is Taurus.
InquisitorMaster is a famous YouTuber and female gamer who is currently enjoying incredible popularity and not just among the gamers. Born Alex Einstein in 1994 in the US, she grew up playing computer games and various console games. Alex is a big fan of cosplay as well and she is an avid YouTuber whose first channel was titled HOWiBecameTheJOCKER. Currently, her main account InquisitorMaster has over 4.5 million followers, who love Alex' videos for interesting and funny content. She likes Nintendo 64, Super Mario 64, The Legend of Zelda, Roblox, Xbox 360, and so on. Apart from the gaming content, InquisitorMaster also does vlogs, posts videos with her large toy collection, tries on superhero costumes and does plenty of other interesting things. Her boyfriends were famous YouTubers like Marcus Peterson and currently she is dating Zachary Todd. She is a good friend of Akeila Collins who is also Roblox games fan.
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