How old is Indy Bugg?

Indy Bugg was born on 19 July 2012.
Indy Bugg is 12 years old.

How old is Indy Bugg in days now?

Indy Bugg is 12 years 8 months 12 days old.
Total 4,638 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Indy Bugg?

Indy Bugg's next birthday is in 3 months 18 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Indy Bugg?

Zodiac sign of Indy Bugg is Cancer.

Indy Bugg is a cute and creative Instagram star who is also a model and an influencer, with about two thirds of a million fans on her account (as of July 2024). She was born in 2012 and since she was 9 years old, he mum has been running Indy's Instagram account. It has now turned into a great place to see some photos and videos of Indy dancing, posing, trying new hair styles and outfits, spending time with her friends and family, and so on. Her nice and lovely selfies are among the most popular content with her fans. Other really viewed line of pictures of Indy is the one where she is dressed like a cult Marvel comics character Wonder Woman. Recently, new experiments with hair style and braids has turned into the trademark of the channel. Indie Bugg has already taken part in a few TV projects like Extra and others.

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