How old is ImDavisss?
ImDavisss was born on 30 June 2000.
ImDavisss is 24 years old.
How old is ImDavisss in days now?
ImDavisss is 24 years 8 months 12 days old.
Total 9,023 days old now.
When is the next birthday of ImDavisss?
ImDavisss's next birthday is in 3 months 16 days.
What is the zodiac sign of ImDavisss?
Zodiac sign of ImDavisss is Cancer.
A cool and charismatic YouTube star, ImDavisss is famous for his basketball and NBA related gaming content that he has been sharing on his channel for almost 7 years. He was born in 2000 in the US, he grew up alongside his parents and his brother, and had quite typical interests for all teenagers of 2010s. As a young teenager he loved sports, especially basketball, and would spend hours playing NBA2K related computer games. When he was 15, he opened his first YouTube channel and shortly after his Instagram account which he started promoting among those loving this game. ImDaviss is considered to be among the most popular YouTubers who are promoting NBA 2K. On his channel, it is possible to find plenty of videos dedicated to sharing some tips and recommendatuons on improving this game playing skills. As of the mid 2024, there are over 1.2 million followers on his YouTube channel, and there are also about a half of a million subscribers to his Instagram account. He names Lebron James as his sinspiration, and there is a photo of Davis standingbehind Lebron posted on his Instagram account in 2019.
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