How old is iLoveMemphis?

iLoveMemphis was born on 29 March 1993.
iLoveMemphis is 32 years old.

How old is iLoveMemphis in days now?

iLoveMemphis is 32 years old.
Total 11,688 days old now.

When is the next birthday of iLoveMemphis?

iLoveMemphis's next birthday is in .

What is the zodiac sign of iLoveMemphis?

Zodiac sign of iLoveMemphis is Aries.

iLoveMemphis is a rapper famous for a few hits that he has recorded. Born Richard Maurice Colbert in 1993 in Memphis, he grew up there alongside his parents and twin sister. He has a typical childhood filled up with plenty of outdoor activities and spending a lot of time in front of his computer. He started rapping in his teen ages and in the mid 2010s he recorded his first EP which had the hits "Hit The Quan" and "Lean the Debb" that became a great debut of the young singer on the big stage. Later in the decade iLoveMemphis released on more EP and got focused on promoting hi music and his new hits online. As of the early 2024, his Instagram account enjoys the number of followers close to a half million people, and there are also over 14.4 million fans on his TikTok channel.

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