How old is HRVY?

HRVY was born on 28 January 1999.
HRVY is 26 years old.

How old is HRVY in days now?

HRVY is 26 years 2 months 2 days old.
Total 9,558 days old now.

When is the next birthday of HRVY?

HRVY's next birthday is in 9 months 29 days.

What is the zodiac sign of HRVY?

Zodiac sign of HRVY is Aquarius.

Harvey Leigh Cantwell (known with his unique stage name HRVY) is a bright British TV celebrity, a singer, a presenter, and a media personality, who became popular as a singer and a presenter of a popular TV series for young people Friday Download shown on CBBC. He was born in 1999 in Kent, the UK, to quite a large family with three sons. Just like all talented children, he started demonstrating his musical and acting talents in the very early ages. He was excellent in mimicking the singing styles of famous singers like Michael Jackson, Justin Timberlake, etc. Since those times HRVY has been a big fan of pop music, and he really wanted to develop his career as a pop singer. When he was 14 years old, he opened his accounts on Facebook and YouTube where he used to share the videos of his performances. These channels attracted the attention of plenty of people, including his current manager of his, Blair Dreelan, known as the lead singer of East 17. He helped HRVY release his first record "Thank You", and managed to promote this song for many various programs and shows. HRVY took part in a lot of tours and programs, and quite soon he was invited to host Friday Download. Finally, in the mid-2017, he released his first EP, Holiday, followed by an almost immediate release of his second album Talk To Ya. HRVY is a very active media person, he very often collaborates on various projects with such celebrities as Loren Gray, Blake Gray, Nate Garner, etc. In the mid 2022 he released his third EP titled Views From The 23rd Floor which received really warm critics.

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