How old is Heeseung?

Heeseung was born on 15 October 2001.
Heeseung is 23 years old.

How old is Heeseung in days now?

Heeseung is 23 years 4 months 20 days old.
Total 8,544 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Heeseung?

Heeseung's next birthday is in 7 months 8 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Heeseung?

Zodiac sign of Heeseung is Libra.

A South Korean pop singer Heeseung is one of the members of a boy band ENHYPHEN  which was formed in 2020 after a famous musical reality project I-LAND. He was born Lee Heeseung in 2001 in the city of Namyangju where he was raised alongside his parents and elder brother. He has loved music ad singing since his very early years, and his parents supported Lee in his desire to receive a lot of training as a singer and dancer. He started cooperating and training with a popular Korean agency Big Hit Entertainment, and then joined Belfit Lab in some of its musical projects. In 2020 he participated in one of the seasons of I-LAND by Belfit, which was a popular musical survival show, but it turned out to become a platform for forming a pop band known as ENHYPHEN. In the late 2020 their first mini album came out. It is interesting that in addition to music and singing, Heeseung has another hobby which is the English language, and when he was a teenager, Lee dreamed about becoming an English teacher in case if he failed his career as a musician.

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