How old is Hayley Noelle LeBlanc?
Hayley Noelle LeBlanc was born on 2 September 2008.
Hayley Noelle LeBlanc is 16 years old.
How old is Hayley Noelle LeBlanc in days now?
Hayley Noelle LeBlanc is 16 years 6 months 26 days old.
Total 6,051 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Hayley Noelle LeBlanc?
Hayley Noelle LeBlanc's next birthday is in 5 months 5 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Hayley Noelle LeBlanc?
Zodiac sign of Hayley Noelle LeBlanc is Virgo.
Hayley Noelle LeBlanc is the lovely youngest daughter of LeBlanc family who are famous for being long-time media and TV celebrities, also known as the Bratayleys. She was born in September 2008 and has a sister named Annie, who is a really famous YouTuber. Their brother Caleb died of a heart condition in 2015 when he was only 13. Hayley is a very pretty and cute young lady. As of September 2024, she has over 4.1 million followers on her Instagram and over 1.5 million subscribers on her YouTube account. Hayley LeBlanc loves gymnastics and posts the videos of her performance with other media celebrities like JoJo Siwa or Hayden Summerall. Hayley is a member of a famous group of social media stars called Run The World, and her photo has recently appeared on the cover of a famous magazine for teenage girls.
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