How old is Hayden Summerall?

Hayden Summerall was born on 4 April 2005.
Hayden Summerall is 19 years old.

How old is Hayden Summerall in days now?

Hayden Summerall is 19 years 11 months 24 days old.
Total 7,298 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Hayden Summerall?

Hayden Summerall's next birthday is in 7 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Hayden Summerall?

Zodiac sign of Hayden Summerall is Aries.

Known as one of The 4 Summerall brothers, Hayden Summerall is a young rapper, singer, Internet celebrity, and actor, who started developing his career as a video promoter on Vine. He was born in 2005 in Dallas, Texas, but spent his childhood in California, LA, together with his crowded family. His brothers’ names are Hunter, Jimmy, and Dylan, and together, 4 brothers work on promoting their names in social media like Instagram, Vine, YouTube, etc. The parents of the boys, Trisha and jimmy Summerall, work in real estate business, and they are extremely supportive of the boys developing their social media careers as entertainers and social media stars. Hayden is the youngest of the brothers, and he is extremely interested in singing, creating unique covers of famous songs and posting his videos online. He has over 2.6 million followers on his Instagram account (as of the early 2024). He is a big friend with Annie LeBlanc, whom he collaborated with on a song, “Little Do You Know”. His cover of Miller’s song, “Goodbye” has become very popular among the new works of young YouTubers. Hayden is a very charming and friendly young boy, and he was invited to take part in a few cinemas and TV projects, including a small role in Chicken Girls, where Annie LeBlanc, HRVY, and other famous Internet celebrities also took part.

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