How old is Haven Lough?

Haven Lough was born on 19 January 2006.
Haven Lough is 19 years old.

How old is Haven Lough in days now?

Haven Lough is 19 years 2 months 9 days old.
Total 7,008 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Haven Lough?

Haven Lough's next birthday is in 9 months 22 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Haven Lough?

Zodiac sign of Haven Lough is Capricorn.

Haven Lough is a TikTok star and a skilled content creator focused mainly on POV and some comedy related stuff which has been growing more and more popular among his fans. Born in 2006, he grew up in Florida, alongside his parents and his younger sister. Since his early years he has been very sociable and outgoing, as well as keen on a large number of things including computers and social networking sites. Haven launched his TikTok channel when he was 14 years old and initially tried to develop the idea of using music and various musical ideas for his videos which resulted for him in experimenting in the field of lip syncing. In the early 2025 the number of his subscribers started increasing steadily and reached 2.1 million people in the early 2024. In addition to his vivid online activities, Haven Lough loves soccer and everything about it, as well as spends quite a lot of time playing it in his high school team. 

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