How old is Harry Styles?
Harry Styles was born on 1 February 1994.
Harry Styles is 31 years old.
How old is Harry Styles in days now?
Harry Styles is 31 years 1 month 12 days old.
Total 11,363 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Harry Styles?
Harry Styles's next birthday is in 10 months 19 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Harry Styles?
Zodiac sign of Harry Styles is Aquarius.
Harry Edward Styles is a young British musician, singer, and songwriter, who became very popular as a member of One Direction band created during The X Factor British TV show and which is enjoying pretty much of recognition around the world. Harry was born in 1994 in Redditch, Worcestershire, and since his early childhood he has been a huge fan of the Beatles and Elvis Presley. He received a great education at Holmes Chapel Comprehensive School, where he created his first band White Eskimo. It became quite successful and even has won a local rock band competition. In 2010 Harry managed to join The X Factor musical competition, and he was introduced to 3 other competitors Liam Payne, Louis Tomlinson, and Niall Horan,who formed a new project, One Direction, which has become one of the most popular bands of the UK. It is interesting that the band became only the 3rd in that X Factor competition season.
One Direction recorded a few albums and became a sensation due to plenty of tours and concerts around the country. There are a large number of TV programs and a few books released telling the stories of every each band member. In 2016 Styles established own recording studio where he continued working with his school solo band. He is writing plenty of new songs but he does not give up working as a member of One Direction. He is a very active social and healthy life promoter, and he is involved in a lot of charity events. Harry was rumored to date Caroline Flack, a famous British presenter who is way older than him. He used to date Taylor Swift, but for quite a short time. In spring 2017, he recorded his first self-titled solo album which became popular among young people around the world. As of the early 2023, he continues recording songs. He dated Olivia Wild, an actress, and in 2023 he dated an actress Taylor Russel, but they split up in 2024.