How old is Hadley Grace?

Hadley Grace was born on 2 January 2011.
Hadley Grace is 14 years old.

How old is Hadley Grace in days now?

Hadley Grace is 14 years 2 months 7 days old.
Total 5,180 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Hadley Grace?

Hadley Grace's next birthday is in 9 months 24 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Hadley Grace?

Zodiac sign of Hadley Grace is Capricorn.

Hadley Grace is a teenage TikTok starlet who has appeared on the platform quite recently but has already built up a strong database of fans. Born in 2011 in Texas, he has been a country music fan for most of her life. Singing and performing on some local stages were her most favorite activities as a young child. She was only 10 years old when her parents decided to help her open her TikTok page and share the videos of Hadley's stage performances, her daily activities and her perception of this life. Her covers of some popular songs by such singers as Carrie Underwood and such always receive hundreds of thousands views. One of her most viewed videos is also the one Hadley Grace has recorded with Cash Baker, another young TikTok prodigy. As of March 2025, the number of the followers of her channel is close to a third of a million people.

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