How old is Granny Smith?

Granny Smith was born on 1 August 1926.
Granny Smith is 98 years old.

How old is Granny Smith in days now?

Granny Smith is 98 years 7 months 28 days old.
Total 36,035 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Granny Smith?

Granny Smith's next birthday is in 4 months 3 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Granny Smith?

Zodiac sign of Granny Smith is Leo.

Granny Smith is a shining Instagram star known also as a grandma of Ross Smith, a Viner and an Instagrammer. She was born Pauline Kana in 1926 in Ohio and can be considered one of the most famous elderly social media stars. She often appears in the videos of her grandson Ross who started as a Viner and now is more popular on Instagram. Together, they discuss their daily life problems in a funny way, and Granny Smith is the one who helped Ross to attract about 3,2 million fans (as of the early 2024) to his social media accounts. She is also popular on other platforms like Twitter, Facebook and Snapchat.

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