How old is Grace Van Dien?

Grace Van Dien was born on 15 October 1996.
Grace Van Dien is 28 years old.

How old is Grace Van Dien in days now?

Grace Van Dien is 28 years 4 months 26 days old.
Total 10,376 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Grace Van Dien?

Grace Van Dien's next birthday is in 7 months 2 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Grace Van Dien?

Zodiac sign of Grace Van Dien is Libra.

Known for her role in such TV series as Greenhouse Academy, Max, and Stranger Things, Grace Van Dien is a lovely actress from LA where she was born in 1996 and spent her childhood years. Both her dad and her grandpa were actors, but she didn't see her father much as a child as her parents got divorced when Grace was just 1 year old. But she started her career as a professional actress when she was 9 years old by appearing in a TV show I Married a Princess. As a teenager, she appeared in a few other shows like The Dog Who Saved Christmas, Code Black, and Max. In the mid 2010s Grace made her cinema debut and took part in filming such movies as Leap or Patient Seven. Later on she appeared in the movies Charlie Says, The Binge, What Comes Around, The Fix, and a dozen more. On TV, she played one of the main roles and portrayed Brooke Osmond in Greenhouse Academy. Later on Grace Van Dien joined the cast of such projects as The Rookie, The Village, Immoral Compass, and finally one episode of Stranger Things, Season 4. As of the late 2024, she is dating a YouTuber, musician and songwriter Johnnie Guilbert.

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