How old is Gio Cascaes?
Gio Cascaes was born on 26 April 2006.
Gio Cascaes is 18 years old.
How old is Gio Cascaes in days now?
Gio Cascaes is 18 years 11 months 3 days old.
Total 6,912 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Gio Cascaes?
Gio Cascaes's next birthday is in 28 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Gio Cascaes?
Zodiac sign of Gio Cascaes is Taurus.
An outstanding and extremely cute comedy content creator, Gio Cascaes is a TikTok content creator with a great creativity and skills. He was born in 2006 in Alabama and grew up in Foley. He became active on the platform when he was 16 years old and immediately attracted a lot of attention. Most of his early videos included his friends and him lip syncing or being involved in some hilarious challenges. Later on he got focused on more personal topics and made his channel look rather like a vlog. For instance, since he got braces, he has been informing his fans about the way he felt with them on a regular basis. As of the mid 2024 he has got over 1.3 million followers on his channel, and he is investing a lot of time in improving and promoting his channel. Besides, he has recently launched a line of his personal merchandise which can be found and bought on Bonfire. Gio Cascaes is a great fan of music and the skill of his to chose and use songs for his videos is simply great.
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